Erwin Commitment to Supporting DAMA Netherlands: A Partnership for Data Excellence

At Erwin (by Quest), we are passionate about data management and governance. Our involvement with DAMA Netherlands is driven by a shared commitment to advancing the field of data Literacy and fostering a community of knowledge and best practices on deploying a data governance roadmap.

DAMA Netherlands provides a platform for data professionals to connect, collaborate, and learn from each other. By participating in this group, we aim to contribute our expertise and resources to help shape the future of data management. We believe that by working together, we can address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the rapidly evolving data landscape.

Supporting DAMA Netherlands aligns with our core values of innovation, collaboration, and excellence. It allows us to stay at the forefront of industry trends, share our insights, and learn from the experiences of other data professionals. Together, we can drive forward the standards and practices that ensure data is managed as a valuable and strategic asset.

We are proud to be a part of this vibrant community and look forward to continuing our support for DAMA Netherlands, helping to build a stronger, more informed, and more connected data management community.

For more information:

Informatieproduct factsheet "Data-as-a-product" is ter consultatie aangeboden: Factsheet Datamesh Data-As-A-Product v 2 juli 2023-GUAVDALG-0017

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