Please note this date: DAMA Drinks in Maastricht, organized by our ‘Vriend van DAMA NL’ Strategy Alliance. The topic is great: Data Fabric and Mesh Data!
If you want to join, please register on EventBrite. The costs are 10 Euro for Vrienden van DAMA NL and 20 Euro for everyone else. The number of seats is limited, only 25, so do not wait too long.

Depending on the attendees, it will be in English or Dutch.
We hope you will join!
We will also have DAMA Drinks in other regions. If you are a Corporate “Vriend van DAMA NL”, you can even chose to organize 1 yourself at a location of your choice and we will help you with organizing it. Contact me if you are interested!

Informatieproduct factsheet "Data-as-a-product" is ter consultatie aangeboden: Factsheet Datamesh Data-As-A-Product v 2 juli 2023-GUAVDALG-0017

Word een Vriend van DAMA NL