Metro model
The Data Quality Working Group has developed a model for a data quality management system. This model is based on the well-know standard voor quality management systems: ISO 9001.

Description of the DQMS
The entire model is described in a white paper:
Elements of the DQMS in a WIKI
The model contains 30 elements. These can all be found in
Data Quality Maturity Assessment
To determine which element of the DQMS should have priority, the Data Quality Maturity Assessment (Scan) can be applied. This scan takes into account the importance the organization attaches to the element and how far the element has already been developed (maturity). The outcome is a score indicating the priority of the element.
Relations between elements of the DQMS
The 30 elements of the DQMS have relationships with each other. This is visualized in the knowledge graph below.
White Paper Data Quality Awareness
White Paper Data Quality Analysis
Data Quality Analysis: Profiling and beyond
This 4-pager describes, what the purpose of data quality analysis is, in which steps you can perform it and which levels of data quality analysis can be distinguished.
Make Your Own Choice
The DQMS is not a prescription. It can be used as a reference model by making your own selection from the 25 elements.
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